LOEB hotel letterhead

LOEB family


The names LOEB, LÖB, LEVI, LOW, and other variations stemmed from the German der Loewe (lion). [See Die Familiennamen der Juden in Deutschland by Kessler (trans. ARNSTEIN) in Stammbaum, Nos. 6 and 7, Dec. 1995.] According to another source, the name LOEB or Löb comes from die Liebe (love).

The Bohemian (Moravian) Rabbi HERZ was apparently a LOEB ancestor. Thus, LOEB could be a translation of Heart (lev in Hebrew).

The name LÖB was a popular first name in Southern Germany during the 1700s and when Napoleon required the adoption of surnames, many unrelated people simply converted their patronymics of Löb into surnames.

There is a town Loebau in Prussia east of Dresden near the Polish border. This could be another source of the name.

Samuel LOEB

Mina Loeb's obituary

Samuel LOEB (born 1834), Butcher, married Mina WOLF (b. Braunsbach, d. Bad Nauheim).

Obituary of Mina WOLF (on right): On the Second Day of Passover, with numerous participation of different confessions from near and far, the mortal remains of the wife of the restaurateur Samuel Loeb, who is famous in wide circles, were directed from here to the last resting place. The deceased was born "Wolf" from Braunsbach, in the area of Württemberg and reached the age of 55 years. This pious and noble woman, that was snatched from her family so unexpectedly, belonged to that kind of women who become fewer and rarer in these days. She was the crown, the ornament and the shine of her home. She combined in herself in a very rare way the virtues of home life, simplicity, modesty and unpretentiousness with the most devoted love and the most self-sacrificing care for husband and children and actuated the deepest piousness with such unlimited silent charity; with one word, she was - just like king Solomon says - an eshet chayil (woman of valor). Her good name has secured her a permanent monument in our center. May she achieve the rewarding she deserves for her good works on the other side in rich dimensions.
May her soul be bound up in the bond of life.

They had two children:

Jonas Loeb

Jonas LOEB

Jonas LOEB (b. 14 March 1864 Bad Nauheim, d. 16 January 1939 heart attack) married (22 April 1895) Nette RIES (b. 15 October 1868 in Michelbach on the Lucke, d. 15 April 1930 Bad Nauheim). (Norbert LOEB has birth certificates.) (Nette RIES's brother and nephew owned the Hotel Ulmann in Frankfurt. Relatives in the RIES family established a textile retail chain out of Cleveland, Ohio, and a gourmet chocolate company.)

Photo is of the marriage of Sally LOEB and Nora LEVITTE (around 1920). Jonas LOEB and Nette RIES are seated to the right of the groom. Norbert LOEB is probably the child on the left seated on the floor. Jeanette DANNENBERG and Julius LOEB are standing in the middle of the back row.

Jonas LOEB and Nette RIES owned and managed the LOEB's Promenaden Hotel in Bad Nauheim on Alicenstrasse from Fürstenstrasse to Aliceplatz, across Alicenplatz from the park.

LOEB's Promenaden-Hotel
vorm. Hotel LOEB
Has I. Ranges
Direkt am Park Kurhaus u. Bäder
Mit allem Comfort der Neuzeit
Dampfheizung, Personenaufzug, Elektr. Licht, Bäder
Garten mit gedeckter Terrasse
Telefon 64
A new Jewish hotel will be built by Jonas Loeb
Translation of Newspaper Announcement of the Hotel: Bad Nauheim. Hotelier Jonas LOEB, bought the estate of Mr. Geheimer Medizinalrat Dr. Abe [the title "Medizinalrat" used to be awarded for outstanding contributions to medicine] at Alice Place and will build a large first-class Hotel there, which is equipped with all luxuries of the new age.

They sold the Hotel probably around 1920 when they started Villa Irene (hotel, boarding house) also in Bad Nauheim. Villa Irene was taken over by the Nazis. A court later sold the hotel and awarded the proceeds to Jonas's heirs.

Obituary of Nette Reis He had been in Frankfurt after selling the LOEB's Promenaden-Hotel in the resort town of Bad Nauheim. Nette and Jonas were both buried in Bad Nauheim.

Obituary of Nette RIES: Bad Nauheim, 23rd of April. The joy of celebration changed into mourning for one of the most respected families of our community. Mrs. Nettel Löb, born Ries, a lady of fortune who was especially concerned about building the Synagogue, the wife of highly regarded Mr. Jonas Löb, went from here and on Thursday (during the intermediate days of the festival of Passover ? it was the 17th of April 1930) was laid to rest. Who of the prominent bathing guests, even from leading circles of the Hungarian and German Orthodox Judaism, didn't know the hospitable House Löb, in which they could indulge their recreation for weeks with full trust that was justified also in religious relations for many decades! And from the women in the tent you will be blessed. The "Woman in the Tent," it was primarily her who with an active spirit and tireless hands, permeated by her responsibility, managed all that in the best way. As a truly modest woman, she was a role model also for her other sisters in the community. May Hashem give his solace to the husband and the two sons. May her soul be bound up in the bond of life.

Jonas LOEB and Nette RIES had two children.


Julius LOEB

Julius (Yitzhak) LOEB (b. 13 Feb. 1896 Bad Nauheim, Germany, d. 12 Sep. 1932 = 11 Elul, Frankfurt, Germany) married (1921) Jeanette (Anne, Hebrew: Shprintz) DANNENBERG (pictured to the right). His cousin Julius OPPENHEIMER from Koenig offered a furniture set a dowry for the marriage. They had two sons Norbert Hans and Stephen Gunther upon whom Julius doted as a loving father until his untimely death.

Jeannette and Julius LOEB and friends at the Beach Julius was somewhat adventurous. (Not many people traveled by plane in 1930 as he did in a Ford Trimotor.) He loved skiing, was an expert chess player. He loved to drive, and shared a car with three other families. Tragically, his adventurous spirit may have led him to his death in 1932. Julius tried to mount a moving streetcar, was severely injured, but lingered for seven weeks.

Jonas LOEB set up Julius LOEB, his brother Sally, and Julius DANNENBERG in a joint venture crystal factory around 1923. The venture did well until their Czech craftsman left with the money, and they went out of business around 1926. Julius then became salesman for the Czech shirt factory "Max SCHWARTZ Nachfulger" which was bought out in 1930. Julius then became a sales representative selling shirts and neckties. His wife Anne continued this work after his untimely death.

Julius had no college education but loved poetry, wrote love poems and was consulted as an authority on Goethe.

Julius was very thoughtful, had a large circle of friends. People in the family and neighborhood turned to him to help settle their disputes.

Julius and Sally were Fierce competitors and close and loving brothers.

Julius LOEB's cousin Amanda (Miriam) FLORSHEIM introduced Anne to her husband Gustav (Gedaliah) OPPENHEIMER's brother Carl OPPENHEIMER. Following this shiduch, Carl OPPENHEIMER with JUF Fund Raising Team. Carl OPPENHEIMER and Al OPPENHEIMER's wife Batya 1931 driver's license of Karl OPPENHEIMER. Carl OPPENHEIMER Jeanette DANNENBERG remarried (14 Dec. 1934 = 3 Tevet 5695, Frankfurt, Germany) [Ketuba] Carl OPPENHEIMER (b. January 1, 1895 Hemsbach, Germany, d. 4 Jan 1980 = 15 Tevet Chicago, Illinois, buried Oakridge Jewish Cemetery, Block #33, Lot #59). Carl OPPENHEIMER was self-educated, and lived in rural Hemsbach. Was partner in KAHN & OPPENHEIMER at Bahnhofsplatz 8, Frankfurt from around 1929. He enjoyed to follow politics. Carl loved opera and could recite Richard WAGNER's operas.

In 1936, Anne and Carl visited the United States in order to ask various relatives for an affidavit required to immigrate to the United States. The affidavit was produced thanks to Carl's brother Jakob (Jack) OPPENHEIMER, Julius OPPENHEIMER and Arthur STERN from Kansas City.  They sent their eldest son Norbert Hans LOEB ahead first to the United States where he lived in Toledo with Carl's sister Rebecka OPPENHEIMER. In 1938, Carl, Anne and their youngest son Stephen Gunther LOEB escaped Nazi Germany. They fled Frankfurt after being warned by a policeman that they were on a list of Jews to be rounded up the next day. They already had tickets on the SS Nieuw Amsterdam from Rotterdam to New York City, so they waited in the Netherlands until their departure. (This immigration story is recounted in Rachel LOEB's From Fear to Freedom.

Carl and Gustav OPPENHEIMER founded OPPENHEIMER Brothers in Chicago (Later OPPENHEIMER Brothers Incorporated) while Norbert and Stephen stayed a while longer in Toledo.

From the Chicago Tribune (16 Feb 1962, p 41) Arrested in Shooting Another Cobra: "

James THOMAS, 17, of 4433 Greenwood av., and three juvenile companions were arrested for shooting Carl OPPENHEIMER, 67, of 5000 Cornell av., in the shoulder when he refused to hand his money over to them in a holdup attempt at 5439 University av. Sgt William HIMES and Policemen Fred HILLS and James HOWARD of Hyde Park station arrested THOMAS and two juveniles but, were unable to find a third, 15, accused of firing the shot. They found him later in the AUDY home, where he had been taken for another offense.

Norbert and Steve LOEB Stephen LOEB, Carl OPPENHEIMER, Norbert LOEB

Other LOEBs (not necessarily related)

Daniel E. LOEB, eMail: loeb17@gmail.com